Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

I'm Back! 8D

Ok, setelah melewati masa-masa sulit (?) Akhirnya aku kembali! (Ga ada yang nanya woi)

Um.. pertama-tama, mari kita bersyukur kepada Allah S.W.T karna kita masih diberikan kesempatan untuk menikmati Tahun baru 2012 :D Semoga tahn ini penuh berkah ya.. Amiin!
Oh iya, gimana kabar kalian semua? semoga baik" aja ya! (?)

--- Ok abaikan pembukaan abal ini

Siapa yang suka Vocaloid angkat tangan! (?)
Nah, berubungan dengan yang namanya Vocaloid, Aku kebetulan nemu website buat download album Vocaloid yang bertema musim salju 8D
Website nya, http://mikudb.com/1567/vocaloid-season-collection-snow-songs/
Aku udah download dan lagunya lumayan enak ^^ (Itu menurutku loh :D)

Terus .. ada yang tau anime Durarara!! ga? Kalau ada, Tmn fb ku bikin room chat yang mirip sama room chat-nya di Durarara!! ^^
Kalau mau mengunjungi, silahkan kesini~  http://drrrchat.com/

Bye minna~ Gomen sedikit soalnya lagi stress (_ _)

Akhir kata, Arigatou! *Bows*

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Yhuki-chan pasti marah sama aku ..!!! QAQ *nangis kejer*

Entah apa yang harus kukatakan tapi .. Berbohong itu ternyata menimbulkan sesuatu yang fatal ya?
Yah .. sebelumnya aku tahu itu tapi .. Aku tak ingin .. maksudku, Aku .. Aku telah berbohong banyak kepada Yuu-chan agar dia tidak tahu aku menyukai hiro dan-aku-menyesal !! Akhirnya, semua terbongkar dan kurasa, Yuu-chan marah.. Walaupun dia pernah bilang. Aku ga akan marah sama Isuzu  karena Izuzu sudah kuanggap sebagai keluarga ^^  <-Biasanya dia panggil aku 'Isuzu' ._.) Tapi, Aku benar-benar merasa dia marah!! Walaupun yah .. tak semuanya terbongkar tapi .. Aku.. Aku .. Aku takut Yuu-chan marah!! *Nangis-kejer* buktinya, dia ga bales Wall-to-wall dariku.. dia bener-bener marah ya?
Yuu-chan maafkan aku .. Aku .. Aku .. Aku ternyata manusia yang keji ya ..?

Ok .. abaikan ..

Btw, sekarang kagamine Twins ulang tahun ya?? Waii Otanjoubi omedettou Kagamine Twins~ >w< <3
Aku tadi tahu dari blognya Kokacream-san ^^ (Arigatou Kokacream-saan! *bungkuk*)

Ok .. Untuk sementara waktu, saya mau ngilang dulu .. Arigatou ^^

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Curhat ga jelas (?)

Ok, karna blog ini udah lama ga di isi(?) Aku mampir ke sini dulu ^^
Pertama - tama aku mau curhat .. tentang .. Elliot Nightray (?)
Kayaknya aku ketinggalan banget ya sama cerita Pandora Hearts .. Soalnya aku ga suka baca di manga Online .. lebih ngikutin tanggal komiknya yang terbit di Indonesia T.T
Jadi .. aku ga setuju .. kalau .. Elliot Nightray mati!! NGGA SETUJU!! buat Jun mochizuki, anda tega sekali .. buat elly-kun ku tersayang Mati TT.TT dan dia mati .. buat Oz Bezarius ! biar Oz ga nanggung beban dirinya, jadi .. dia rela menolak Chainya sendiri padahal dia tahu itu membuat dirinya Menghembuskan nafas terakhir..
Elliot!! Kamu kok baik banget sih !! Jadi pacar aku aja sini! *PLAK* terus.. Kata-kata terakhirnya buat Reo itu loh .. yang bikin menyentuh walau kata-katanya pendek banget.. Dia bilang, "Maaf Reo" dan ga kerasa, Aku nangis(?)
Pokoknya Elliot is the best! :D

Terus .. tentang Nakahara .. aku .. rasa ga mungkin mendapatkanya (?) (Abaikan Abaikan Miku Icihara lagi ga waras)
Yah habis ... Aku .. Kasian sama Yuu-chan .. Aku mau Yuu-chan sama Nakahara aja .. dari pada Naka sana aku ^^

Ok abaikan, Aku berlebihan (?)
Terus tentang Kuroshijutsi, siapa yang suka sama Snake angkat tangan!! (?)
Yah, waktu ngeliat Snake, Aku jadi suka sama Char yang satu itu :)
dia polos, dan hebatnya, dia bia ngomong sama ular! Kyaa~!! (?)
Kalau .. Snake mati .. aku ga bakal memaafkan Yana Toboso seumur hidupku! Aku ga mau Snake Mati! Ga mauu!! *Nangis kejer* Maaf bu Yana, aku cuma bercanda kok ^^
Tapi, tolong jangan buat Snake mati ya? Plis ..
ok itu saja ^^ Aku lagi sibuk+bingung buat ngelanjutin ceritaku yang judulnya Acute itu.. Tapi aku akan berusaha buat bikin kokacream-san dan yang lainya puas! ^^

Nah, aku permis dulu.. Akhir kata, Arigatou! 

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Uh well I baack ~~ =w=/

DID YOU MISS ME ??!! UUH NOOOT?!! WHHHYYY????!! <-abaikan

Nya~ .. Lama banget ga blogger ~ Btw Minal Aidzin wal faidzin ya ~ *Telat

Gomen saat ini atashi ga bisa nulis banyak" .. Lagi sibuk nyari gambar Kagamine twins ~ <3

Lagi tergila" ama kagamine twins nih ceritanya ehe .. ;)

Bye minna ~~~

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

About Valshe and Wotamin!!

About Wotamin :

gender: female
birthday: April 20
blood type: I'm not meticulous...
hangout: Nico Nico Douga
strong point: Are there any? LOL

weak point: going at my own pace, doing things I want freely, not able to read the atmosphere (KY), having slow pick-up
what is the first thing you do when you get home?: I pet my cat Hana-tan (*´ω`*)モキュ〜♪favorite expression: LOLOLOLOLOL (wwwwwww)
how often do you update your blog?: Whenever I want it, LOL
what do you write in your blog?: Nico Nico stuff and boring everyday stuff, LOL. 
any fetishes?: voice fetish (*´д`*)
any collection? earrings ( ´∀`)
are you an S (sadist) or an M (masochist)?: M
favorite food: Japanese food (`・ω・´)
disliked food: dried plum (umeboshi), wasabi or anything with strong flavors
favorite sports: all ball games (*´▽`*)9
favorite male celebrity: I don't know, LOL. 
favorite female celebrity: Eeeh?! No one in particular, LOL.
favorite artist: Utada Hikaru, Ayaka, Shiina Ringo, Koda Kumi
favorite manga: I collect "Hana Yori Dango" XD.
favorite magazine: nonno ☆
favorite place: my room, LOL
favorite animal: cat (*´▽`*)
favorite color?: red, pink and bright colors (*´д`*)
favorite expression?: "Ichigo ichi-e" (a once in a lifetime encounter should be cherished)your favorite type (of person): a gentle person with a lovable aura
your hated type (of person): a selfish, self-centered person LOL
what task makes you feel the happiest?: singing ♪〜(*´ε`*)

where do you like to date?: roller coaster ride! it's a little impossible but it must be in the amusement park
what will you do when you win the lottery?: I'll give it to my parents, LOL
who is your most respected person?: my elder sister, since before ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ
what animal would you compare yourself to?: Hmm...what would it be... a sloth, perhaps? XD
when you do feel happiest?: when I'm singing
what did you want to be when you were a kid?: a singer, a nurse, a nailist (nail art person), etc. 
what model of phone do you have?: Docomo F905i (the pink one)what should always be in your bento?: fried egg
what is the most expensive thing you've bought?: probably...TV?
what is your most important possession?: cellphone, LOL. Very important.
you are a ____ addict: a Nico Nico addict
any hobbies?: singing
what do you do first upon waking up?: load Nico Nico in my PC

About Valshe ~ :

gender: female
birthday: September 15
blood type: B
hobbies: singing, strolling, star-gazing

strong points: haven't really thought of it
weak points: haven't really thought of it
something you can brag about yourself: I don't crush under stress (?)
latest obsession: mahjong
the first thing you do upon coming home: change clothes and drink water
number of hours you sleep: it's painful if I can't sleep for 5-8 hours
favorite expression: "Doyu koto na no?" (what the hell is this?)
how often do you update your blog?: very often, it seems
what do you write in your blog?: song and radio updates, private life
any fetishes?: voice
favorite motto: "Tanin wa tanin de baru wa barubaru." (??)
any collections?: silver accessories, sunglasses, Western film DVDs
are you S or M? neither (?)
your type?: barubaru (.-.)
favorite food?: food with spring onions, hamachi (a kind of fish)

disliked food?: too sweet foods
favorite sports?: catch ball and soccer
favorite artist?: 左に迅速な人の最近のセンスが素敵だと思います。 (i have no idea what she meant)
favorite manga: Eva (Evangelion, maybe?)
favorite magazines: I read a lot.
favorite book: series by Otsu Ichi, "A Child Called 'It'" 
favorite films: The Cube, Saw, Biohazard... I love western films (violent ones, if nikki may add ^^; )
favorite TV show: I watch a lot.
favorite games: once in a while, various RPGs, Piyo Piyo, Tetris
favorite brands: justin davis, DUB
favorite place: home
favorite animal: dog, cat and red panda
favorite way of spending the holiday: lying down, watching films, shopping, strolling
favorite colors: black, white, gold, purple, red, silver
the type (of person) you like?: someone who is like the air; someone who has similar interests with me.
the type (of person) you dislike: I do not particularly dislike someone.

Information from ~ : http://ofurotaimu.dreamwidth.org/2159.html

Ah iya! ini twitternya Valshe~ : @Valshe9

Well, Enjoy~ :D